Welcome to the Center for Microelectrode Technology (CenMeT) Microelectrode Ordering Website 



Orders accepted via this website only.  We do not take orders over the phone or FAX.  We apologize for any inconvenience.

Forms of payment include credit card and approved purchase orders. FOR PURCHASE ORDERS: Please FAX (859-257-5310) or email (rjlind2@uky.edu) a copy of the purchase order prior to placing your order.


SOLE DISTRIBUTOR IN CHINA - Wincon TheraCells Biotechnologies Co., Ltd. 

Please contact Wincon TheraCells Biotechnologies Co., Ltd for all sales in greater China.

Wincon TheraCells Biotechnologies Co., Ltd
3 Gaoxindong 3 Road, 
Nanning, GX 530003, China
Tel: +86-771-3215896
Fax: +86-771-3215326
Email: research-service@winconlab.com
Web: www.winconlab.com


Electrochemical and Electrophysiological Recording Capability

The Center for Microelectrode Technology Electrode Service Center now has sufficient production capacity to sell our ceramic-based microelectrode arrays (MEAs) to anyone wishing to purchase them for use in any electrochemical or electrophysiological recording system.

While initially designed for ultra-low current (pA) range electrochemical measurements these MEAs have been successfully used for measuring field potentials and single unit recording of neural activity in several studies (references below).

Our biomorphic array technology has been successfully employed by users of the FAST system (Quanteon LLC) for directly measuring low levels of tonic or phasic release of neurotransmitters (e.g. glutamate) and metabolic molecules (e.g. glucose) in the CNS and other biological systems.

We have had numerous requests to expand the availability of our MEAs for not only the technique of electrochemical detection but for electrophysiological single-unit or multi-unit recordings.

Performance, function and adaptability of these MEAs cannot be guaranteed for use other than in combination with the FAST recording systems. Buyer accepts all risk and responsibilities in purchasing these MEAs.


Field potentials

  • Dash et al., Journal of Neuroscience. 29,3, 2009
  • Zhang et al., Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 179, 2009

Neural activity recordings

  • Opris et al., Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 23, 6, 2011
  • Opris et al., Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 6, 88, 2012
  • Hampson et al., Journal of Neural Engineering. 9, 2012




WARRANTY INFORMATION: All carbon fiber microelectrodes (SF1As) are tested for performance prior to shipping. Only those SF1A's that pass our criteria are shipped. There is no warranty or replacement for these microelectrodes. All ceramic microelectrode arrays (MEAs) are pretested with peroxide to verify performance and only those that pass our criteria are shipped. There is no warranty or replacement for MEAs.